Faith Formation



"Faith Formation" is a big name for our children, family, and youth ministry efforts. As a family of faith, we walk together in fellowship, learning, life events, worship, and service. God brings us together, and as a faith family, we nurture and support each other.  


Please explore our Faith Formation areas for just a glimpse of what St. Philip's does with children, youth, and families. Our programming is ever changing, growing, and adjusting to suit the needs of our faith family and community. 





Some Examples from Our Programming Year:

Sunday Morning: 

Sunday School--Meets Sunday morning 10:30-11:30 am most Sundays during the Hastings school year. This is open for children 3 years old through 6th grade.

Wednesday Night:

Confirmation--Meets Wednesday evenings from 6:45-7:45 pm most Wednesdays during the Hastings school year. This is for students in grades 7-9. Confirmation also includes mentors during Lent, overnight retreats, and fellowship events.

Children's Choir-- Cherub Choir meets Wednesday evenings from 5:15-5:30 pm. Children's Choir meets Wednesday evenings from 5:30-6:00 pm most Wednesdays from September-January. The Children's Choirs are led by Kelsey Wormley. Over the course of the year, this group will help lead worship multiple times. 


Church Family Life:

Topical Bible Studies: Life is busy and it can be hard to commit long-term, so St. Philip's offers Bible studies for different ages at different times during the year. The topics usually come from student questions and interest--making each study unique!

Holidays--During the different holiday season, we celebrate together with learning, worship, and fellowship.

Family Activity Times--Sunday mornings are busy, so we make time to get to know each other. Whether it is our fall Rally Day where we enjoy outdoor activities, bounce houses, back to school blessings, and service or summer events we are all about honoring God through our commitment to knowing one another. 

Summer--During summer months there are multiple faith building opportunities through Vacation Bible School and Bible camps, retreats and mission trips.

Please join us any time to learn more about St. Philip's Faith Formation Programming. You can also contact the church office to speak directly with Pastor Geier who is happy to answer any questions 651-437-6541. You can also email Pastor at



You can also see some of the day-to-day Faith Formation life on our Facebook Page: Click Here